The Secret to a Successful Relationship: Talking

Money, power, pride and a bit of insecurity tempt us to fight with or significant others every once in a while. Unfortunately, it is easier to yell and scream at each other than to actually talk through your problems. But talking out your issues is the best way to come to a successful conclusion that will actually resolve the fight. Here are a few tips to keep in mind the next time you and your partner have a dispute. These suggestions will help you talk out your problems and find a solution.

Do not raise your voice
It is hard to get anything figured out if both of you are yelling at each other. Instead of out screaming each other, take a deep breath and try to have a calm discussion, or at least a discussion where you can both hear each other. It is difficult to find a solution to your problems if you are constantly talking over each other.

Take time to cool off
If it seems like you can do nothing but scream at each other, call the discussion over at the moment and pick it up later. Divert your attention to tasks that need to get done, such as deciding what to have for dinner or what groceries need to be bought. By accomplishing these small goals, you will be reminded of how well you work together as a team. Keep this in mind when you bring up the discussion again, by doing so you will be in a more of a negotiating mood.

Ask your partner where their problem is coming from
Before you yell back, ask your partner what they are feeling. This works for petty fights that seem to escalate out of thin air. By asking why your partner is feeling pretty hostile, you can find the root of the fight. In fact you may be fighting over the wrong thing. Once you find the true source of these negative feelings, you can resolve it as soon as possible.

Tell them that you respect their opinion
Respect is very crucial to a relationship. No matter how wrong your partner may be, still let them know that you respect their argument. If you let someone know that you respect them, they will be more willing to hear what you have to say because respect it supposed to go both ways.


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