More and more girls are beginning to purchase balconettes and throw their padded-heavy bras away because there’s a much sexier look now. Sheer, unpadded balconettes are tremendously more comfortable than Victoria’s Secret’s ludicrous, push up bras which have enough padding for a bullet-proof vest.
Padded bras are heavy, they push at a woman’s most sensitive area, and quite frankly they don’t fool anyone. Bras with heavy duty padding make women’s breasts look unnaturally pushed together and lifted. It looks tight and forced. The shape that these bras produce, even in clothes, is definitely not something that occurs in nature.
Believe it or not, men are also not big fans of the padded bras. Perhaps the padded styles are appropriate and beneficial to some outfits, but in general many men recognize how agonizing those devices seem. In contrast, men find the lack of padding in the sheer balconettes authentic and therefore hot. The fairly revealing aspects of sheer and lace extremely enticing.
In a way, push-up bras have been hindering women’s progression as a gender. They can even be compared to corsets. Women should embrace what their bodies actually look like, because evidently that is the most sexy option.