Sophia Bush Speaks Out About Positive Body Image


An issue prevalent in today’s society is men and women’s struggle with body image. The pictures we see in magazines: photo-shopped and air brushed have dangerously altered our perception of beauty. We have been conditioned to believe that thigh gaps and collar bones, signs of malnutrition and caloric deficiencies are signs of beauty. Many celebrities have been outspoken about teaching young girls that the magazines are not true visions of beauty and they are altered. Parents, role models, and teachers should be focusing on teaching young kids that the reflection we see in the mirror does not define our beauty, but rather what is on the inside and how we treat people defines our beauty far more.

Sophia Bush recently paid a visit to the Today Show to promote her favorite charity, I Am That Girl and discuss embracing her body.
I Am That Girl is a non-profit organization that empowers, supports, and educates girls to love and express themselves. They strive for a healthy media and encourage girls not to focus on what they are not, but what they ARE. Girls are encouraged to engage in healthy conversation and develop honest perspectives. Sophia Bush described how she spent so much time trying to explain to other women that although she’s an actress and she appears in magazines, she too has days where she isn’t comfortable in her skin. She says, “I’m a woman and it’s a struggle for all of us.” Sophia confesses that it took her until now, at age 31 to be able to accept herself and say, “I’m going to embrace my body and own it for me, not for anyone else. I’m not some rail-thin, 6 foot-tall runway model who was just born that way. I was born like this. And that’s A-OK.”

Girls need to stick together. No matter what our body type is, we all go through the same struggles. We all have days where we wake up and don’t feel as comfortable in our skin as we should. Our differences are what make us beautiful. Instead of flipping through magazines and flipping people off, because they may have something that we do not, we should start encouraging each other. Let us not compare, but encourage and empower each other, and our days will become a whole lot more bearable.

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