This is Why You’d Need More Sleep – For Your Beauty, Tonight!

Believe it or not, beauty sleep is real and you need it more than you think. When you shut your eyes at night and fall into stage 1, 2, 3, 4 and then stage 5 levels of sleep, those hours of deep relaxation, your body goes into full recovery mode. Most dreaming occurs during Stage Five, known as REM, characterized by eye movement, increased respiration rate and increased brain activity.  The REM is also referred to as paradoxical sleep because, while the brain and other body systems become more active, your muscles become more relaxed, or paralyzed. Dreaming occurs because of increased brain activity, but voluntary muscles become paralyzed. This stage of sleep is rather important to your health and the beautiful you.  You may however need to shut off everything that may interrupt your beauty, much needed sleep and yes that does include your TV, cell phone, and all social media alerts.

Lack of sleep does more than make you press snooze a few more times; it’s actually a hazard to your health. Not giving your body enough time to recuperate takes a direct hit on your skin – and even makeup can’t cover up all the repercussions. We’ve all had those mornings when we wake up and think the black circles under our eyes are just mascara residuals. So we take a cloth and scrub only to find out that wait – those aren’t going anywhere. Cue panic mode. “Lack of sleep causes blood vessels to dilate, causing the look of dark circles,” said dermatologist Sonia Badreshia-Bansal. Don’t let those puffy, dark eyes win.

Depriving yourself of that extra pillow time can also make you look older – something that everyone over the age of 21 fears. During “delta sleep” a growth hormone is produced that aids in restoring damaged tissue. Cutting the cycle short gives your system less time to heal. A U.S study found that lack of sleep not only ages women, but also makes it harder for them to recover from sunburn. Bring on the wrinkles, ladies.

Researchers are the University of Stockholm discovered that people who look unrested are also more likely to be seen as unattractive in general. Maybe that’s why we naturally get a bit offended when we are told we appear tired – no one likes being told they look ugly.

So do yourself a favor and climb in bed a little earlier or climb out of bed a little later. You deserve it, and your body will thank you later.



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