The fashion bloggers from Sweden have a lot to say about style and individuality.  No one expresses an outfit so precisely through photography than these internet style hounds. They have taken over the streets of Stockholm and don’t hold back from revealing the most revealing clothing that the best fashionistas and fashionmisters have compiled.

Here are some of them.

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Carolines Mode is a modern, colorful blog focusing on well-dressed individuals in the streets of Stockholm. It feels a bit more posed than The Sartorialist, and certainly more polished than Bill Cunningham’s renowned New York Times column. This is a bit of a detriment, because we lose the effortless messiness that comes with true candid photography.

Kenza Zouiten is a Swedish blogger, model, and designer based in Stockholm.  Her blog is a lot more commercial and so it feels less personal, however she has an excellent sense of what is flattering and upcoming for Swedish fashion.

This is probably the best constructed blog of all three, due to its clean presentation and lack of advertisements overwhelming the page. presents high end fashion and beautiful pieces compiled together for different outfits on different occasions. At the same time Fanny Staaf uses herself as a model, so the blog becomes relatable as well.

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