Melissa McCarthy is expected to start working on a new Fox series, not as an actress, but as a TV producer. The popular actress is developing a new family comedy...
The rumors are true! The Gilmore Girls, past hit WB show, is getting revived on Netflix. The recent revival is going to be a four-part Netflix movie series and is...
Hello my fellow Gilmore Girls obsessed fans! Don’t you wish you could always be as close with your mother as Lorelai and Rory were? The chemistry between the two actresses,...
While everyone knows TV shows are unrealistic, there are always those moments when you truly wish you could look like Serena van der Woodsen (or just have her glamorous life)....
Lorelei and Rory Gilmore—the famous dynamic duo themselves—have graced our television sets and—more recently—our MacBook screens (thank you Netflix) for years now. Their never ending witty banter is charming enough that...
Nothing can make a television show stand out more than an amazingly hot guy to drool over; and while watching Chuck Bass fawn over Blair can be agonizing (it should...
Nothing is better than a Netflix binge. There’s nothing better than laying in bed for hours after a difficult test or a stressful day at work to watch ten episodes...
It seems you’ll have the chance to revisit Star Hollow if you’re a ‘Gilmore Girls’ fan because the show will be streaming on Netflix. The show will be available to...