The cat’s out of the bag and, along with Jack, is hopping onto Target’s shelves. The superstore introduced its latest children’s line, Cat & Jack, at Brooklyn Bridge Park last...
A blue-jacketed man holding an oversized strawberry-shaped lollipop greeted the guests of the Hermés annual themed party. No, we know what you’re guessing. And it’s not high-end fashion’s attempt on...
Spring break will be here before you know it, and if you haven’t started thinking about that soon to be epic week, it’s about time that you do. Before you...
In every young adult’s life, they experience the outgrowing of particular things. It is not exactly your fault; just your preferences have changed. 1. Losing friends You will come across...
When you’re under 21, you anticipate turning 21 so you can hit up all the hottest bars, and spending all your money on happy hour specials. Though after a while,...
In college, nothing breaks the bank like your unnaturally large alcohol consumption. From Grey Goose to Ciroc, buying yourself liquor for the weekend can get expensive. Add in a trip...
Hitting the bars (or house parties) on a Saturday night can be the highlight of your week. Nothing beats breaking out your Ciroc and dressing up for an amazing night...
It’s no joke when people emphasize on being good with time management, especially when you are a busy college student with twenty jobs and the desire to keep an active...