Technology is a great information portal into the world. We can learn news and random facts as well as watch funny cat videos. With cell phones being so perfect for...
Is it possible to pay attention to TV shows or movies the way you used to? Since technology has given access to dozens of things at a time, it seems...
With Christmas and New Years behind us and Valentine’s Day looming on the horizon, it seems as if there is a break in holidays coming up. However, as it turns...
Period tracking apps are something wonderful and magical and it makes your cycle slightly less awful. The app Glow is a very in-depth app for keeping track of your period,...
Snapchat was released back in 2011. Now, it’s a major form of communication. The name is literally what it does; Snap a picture, and chat with someone! Here are eight...
Sometimes, it seems like people are glued to their phones. It certainly can be hard to put that amazing piece of technology down. Between social media, games, and messaging, your...
Some say that chivalry is dead, while others say that the world of dating has never been better. There are certainly a lot more options when it comes to dating....