Summer is here and when the sun is out the possibility of getting a sunburn only increases. If you’ve had a sunburn before then you know how painful they can be. To make life a little easier for you, here are a few ways you can treat a sunburn.

1. Stop if before it starts. If you begin to feel and see the telltale signs of a sunburn, then act fast. Cover up, put on more sunblock or simply get out of the sun all-together. Redness, peeling skin and tenderness are all symptoms of a sunburn. If you see or feel at least on of those things, then you should start being more cautious in the heat.


2. Put some moisture into your skin. Moisturizing with a cream or lotion after a shower will help your skin heel. This will reduce the peeling and flaking, making it less noticeable. Do not scrub, pick or peel your skin, you will simply make it worst.


3. Drink Water. Hydrating yourself is important when it comes to treating sunburns. Don’t just drink your daily dose of water, if anything you should drink more. You may see signs of dehydration, some include dry mouth, thirst, headaches and dizziness.


Try a few of these methods to help relieve your sunburn this summer.


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