True Blood Season 7 Premiere

HBO’s True Blood has returned this past Sun., Jun.22, for it’s seventh and final season. At the closing of last season, there had been a time jump of six months. At that point, Bill had gone back to his non-Lilith crazed self. Sookie was finally dating her steamy, werewolf friend Alcide. Sam Merlotte had become mayor of Bon Temps, promoting peace and humanity in the town.

At this time, Sam had implemented a unique solution to the issue of Hep V-infected vampires. In his plan, every human citizen would be paired with a vampire one. The vampires would be able to feed off of the humans in exchange for protection. This plan has certainly been met with great controversy throughout the town. Sam planned a mixer to initiate this symbiotic policy. At the BBQ event however, a group of Hep V vampires intruded to feed on any humans they could get their cold hands on.

Season 7 begins at this massacre. Many are left dead, notably Tara. Holly, Arlene, and Nicole (who is pregnant with Sam’s child) are kidnapped by the Vampires and stored in the basement of the vampire bar called “Fangtasia.” Sookie runs into Lettie Mae, Tara’s  ex-alcoholic mother who is completely destroyed over her daughter’s death, as this came right after the two had finally reconciled. Sookie Stackhouse has to deal with the blame for the vampire craze. Being able to hear everyone in the town’s thoughts, she has trouble dealing with all the negativity and heat placed on her.

Jessica is protecting Andy Bellefleur’s fairy daughter, Adilyn, in retribution for killing his other fairy daughters. Jessica had gotten carried away on the young girls’ delectable blood sources in the past. Meanwhile, Andy goes off with vampire Bill to search for Arlene and Holly. Sam is accidentally exposed as a shape-shifter to his opponent Vince who has it out for him and swears that he will expose him.

Jason and Violet finally have sex on the hood of a car after he can no longer stand her dominating, forceful attitude towards him. While all of this is happening, Pam is still seeking out Eric who is yet to be seen. She is seen in Marrakech playing Russian roulette in exchange for information about his whereabouts.

In the last scene, Sookie confronts her town in church, declaring that she can hear their thoughts and that she still cares about the town’s populants, she then offers all the help that she can provide.

Still so many questions are left up in the air. The most obvious being what happened to Eric. Even though it appeared that he died in the end of last season, the character will reportedly be a regular during this season of True Blood. Another big question that this episode beckoned was why didn’t Pam take action when she felt her progeny, and lover of sorts, Tara, being killed? Another major question is who will be left standing when the show finally ends? Also, the more enticing question of who will Sookie ultimately end up with? Vampires have never worked out for her in the past, being a fairy and all, but it seems that her and Alcide also have their own kooky set of issues. Fans will have to eagerly await for this final season to play out. Hopefully, by the end of this season, all questions will be answered.




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