The Summer Look: Bold Eyebrows


The bold eyebrow trend has been seen everywhere over the past few months. The look is sexy and emphasizes the framing of a woman’s face. This is a trend everyone should try at some point. Here are some tips on making the beauty trend work.

1. Shaping: Eyebrows should be well trimmed. In order to tackle those unruly eyebrow hairs, use a brow comb to brush eyebrow hairs upwards and then trim with manicure scissors. If hair exceeds the natural brow arch it needs to be trimmed.


2. Tear Duct: Eyebrows should begin at a person’s tear duct. You should arch at the outer edge of the iris and end at the corner of the eye. When shaping eyebrows, it is important to keep in mind that tweezers should be held at a 45-degree angle and only hairs below the brow line should be plucked.

3. Filling In: After the eyebrow shape has been formed, your brows should be filled in with brow powder or a brow pencil. When coloring in the thin areas of the brows your strokes should be quick and short. For the remaining part of the process, strokes should be light and not stained onto skin. Women with dark hair should use a color that is 1-2 shades darker than their natural brow color, while blondes should use a color that is 1-2 shades lighter than their nature colors.


4. Person Preference: Even though pencils may work for some, powders generally give a more natural and feathery look. It is crucial to apply the color in the direction of the brows hair growth. In order to ensure that the look is natural, it is useful to mostly focus the application on ⅔ of the eyebrow. Meaning, the pigment should mostly be found on the arch and the end of the eyebrows. Using an eyebrow brush, the color may then be blended to the beginning portion of the eyebrow.

5. Finishing Touched: Finally, a darker, thinner line can run across the center of the eyebrow for a bold and defined look, although the lighter shade should certainly be used around this area.

There you go, you have your bold eyebrows for summer!



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